Discussing Website Migration, Rebranding and Rebuilding, and Other Information

Hey all!

Alex Kong – Tenodru – here. If you’re looking for my current website, you’re in the right place! I used to be found at TenodruDevelopment and TenodruCreative at Wix. I recently decided to start rebuilding my brand, which means a new website is in order; I intend for this website to be the home page for everything related to my work and thoughts, and I’m set on maintaining it for a good long while.

Website and Content Migration

However, building this website means that we’ve gotta think about content migration. There are a ton of posts over at the Wix site (all posts from Blogspot were moved to the Wix site when it was created) that would be lost if they weren’t re-posted here, and we can’t have that happen. But…that’s a lot of content, and moving it over would probably take a while, wouldn’t you think?

While inconvenient, content migration is necessary to keep all of my work and thoughts together in one location. The process will be twofold, although both will be occurring somewhat simultaneously. Content will be divided between my blog (which will be relocated here, to Tenodru’s Thoughts) and my portfolio (which will be located to the Portfolio page). My blog will be further divided into my two most recent posts, which I need to ensure are relocated first, and all of my other, older posts. As that slowly unfolds, I’ll also be building the Portfolio page here, then relocating my work alongside my older blog posts. Pretty straightforward!

I intend to have Tenodru Creative here published and accessible from the time this post is published, although full functionality isn’t expected until at least the end of this month. Expect a progress update post on this content migration process sometime in the next two weeks.

Rebranding, Rebuilding, Revitalization

That said – rebranding! I plan on keeping the Tenodru and Tenodru Creative brand; this won’t change. A better word would really be revitalization – I haven’t been active at all as Tenodru, designer, developer, writer, and streamer, for a while, and I hope to change that. Rebuilding my website is just step one; my senior year is nearly halfway done, and I’ll be incorporating job preparations into this plan. In addition, my stream has been essentially dormant for…at least a year. I hope to return to streaming – even if only occasionally – over the winter season.

Other Info

Finally, how about a run-down of my work and experience these past few years? Since I was last active in the summer of 2020, I’ve mainly been busy with university. Pursuing three academic interests – AET, computer science, and business – alongside the honors program is definitely a challenge, though somewhat welcome. Although I’ve had very little free time to relax and take breaks, I’ve been able to expand my skillset significantly as I’ve progressed through my junior year here at UT Austin.

I’ve also had great working opportunities as an undergraduate teaching assistant, primarily under professor David D.S. Cohen. Being able to help other students (particularly with technical and code issues) has been surprisingly satisfying, as I’ve never considered myself proficient as an instructor in any means. Regardless, I’ve enjoyed my working experience so far, and learned that handling the Canvas system can be…frustrating, at best.

I entered the AET honors program this spring, and spent this semester forming a thesis. The topic is on procedural generation in games; I wrote it somewhat like a thorough overview of the technology both inside and outside games. The resulting paper turned out to be much longer than I initially expected, but I’m pretty proud of it! Once I finish the final revisions, I’ll make it available to read here.

Thanks for Reading, and Stay Tuned!

If you made it this far, congratulations, and thank you! Keep an eye out for new posts as I begin the content migration process, and watch for progress updates.

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